Library/Pool Submission (Short reads only)

Sample requirements


Only when samples meet our internal quality criteria, we can guarantee good quality data. These criteria are:

  • Nanodrop OD 260/280 > 1.8

  • Nanodrop OD 260/230 > 1.8
  • Please pay attention that the peak of the Nanodrop profile is situated at 260 nm and not at 270 nm (this would indicate a phenol-like contamination)
  • Note that over 30 samples, you can provide your samples in a PCR plate in column orientation instead of eppendorf tubes.

Please always provide 3-5 µL extra which is to be used in our quality control steps.


Note that we need higher loading concentrations for the AVITI device compared to Illumina sequencing platforms. Please provide around 30µl of a ~20nM pool.

Please contact us at for more details.


Sample submission

Before sending/bringing your samples, please fill out the library/pool sample submission form and email it to


Download file Library/Pool Sample Submission form

Submission Process

Extra info
Step 1

Check Sample Requirements


For sequencing material using long reads, please contact us to discuss specific requirements.

Extra info
Step 2

Fill out the sample submission form


Please, always download the latest version instead of using a previously saved version. ​​​​​​​

Extra info
Step 3

Email it to

Extra info
Step 4

Ship your samples to the VIB Nucleomics Core